

What are and where can I find toilet seat covers for disabled and elderly sanitary ware? Sintesibagno’s guide to finding the correct model

Many ceramic companies have gone to great lengths to produce lines of sanitary ware suitable for disabled or elderly people. These sanitary wares are in most cases large and often with front openings for ease of use. This is why they need large toilet seat covers and in some cases with an open top.

Today we will see many models of disabled sanitary ware, some produced by companies specialising in this type of supply: see Ponte GiulioSanitosco and others. Other lines, on the other hand, are produced by other ceramic companies that are usually more focused on other segments of the bathroom furniture market.

VERSO COMFORT series Ceramica Catalano

We start with a sanitary ware for the disabled produced by Ceramica Catalano until 2020.

As for many other series presented by the company, see the post: “The ZERO Catalano series” this ceramic company has always been able to distinguish itself from the competition with its styling.

Even in this area of community/disabled sanitary ware, the company has been able to distinguish itself with forms that we can also say are design-oriented. It presented it in the early 2000s and called it the system: VERSOCOMFORT.

A design consisting of a 70 cm washbasin shaped to be easily used even by wheelchair users, also available with a manual height adjustment mechanism. And by both floor-standing and wall-hung sanitary ware. The toilet in the wall-hung version is, as required by the relevant regulations, an impressive 70 cm deep. The two floor-standing sanitary ware, WC and bidet, are an impressive 48 cm high.

Seen from above, these sanitary wares have a very clean and refined oval line. Unfortunately, they have been out of production since 2020 and initially it was not possible to find the perfect toilet seat cover, also due to their large size. Finally the Sintesibagno team had a thermoset product made like the old original, which you can also find at the following link [ clik here ]

ROSSARI series Ponte Giulio

Serie ROSSARI Ponte Giulio

We now focus on the ceramic series of one of the leading companies in the Third Age segment: Ponte Giulio.

This one we are looking at first is, together with OLDER which we will see shortly, the company’s most famous series and is called: ROSSARI. SANITARY WARE that opened up a new formal path. Used in many public and private bathrooms for their versatility and practicality. Long in depth and available in different heights. With an opening on the front, with or without the bidet function, they are, mainly the toilet, placed in many bathrooms of public establishments that are required by law (Ministerial Decree no. 236, art 8.1.6 of 14 June 1989) to make a bathroom available to the customers of the establishment that can be used by anyone. However, we also find them in many bathrooms of private homes. Its elongated oval shape ending in two protruding fins at the end make it a very recognisable shape. Important dimensions (the toilet measures 60 cm in depth!), offered by the company in three different heights: 45, 47 and even 50, to be as versatile as possible in the daily use of the person who has it in the bathroom. And also with the possibility of having it wi

Serie ROSSARI Ponte Giulio

th or without a front opening and consequently a built-in bidet function (a small water spout is inserted in the rim).

We come to the Rossari toilet seat cover that you can find in the Sintesibagno catalogue.

The dedicated shape you see in the picture opposite is as distinctive as the toilet. Due to the large size of the toilet seat, it measures an impressive 51/52 cm. Since the toilet is offered both with and without front opening, there are two toilet seat covers you can find: Rossari toilet seat covers closed at the following link [ clik here ] and Rossari toilet seats open at the following link [ clik here ]

OLDER series Ponte Giulio

Another series that found a wide circulation, also produced by the company is: Older.

Serie OLDER Ponte Giulio

A series of sanitary ware with important dimensions. It was initially only presented in a floor-standing version with front opening (photos 1 and 2). Typical sanitary ware for a disabled person who has to use it by sitting on top of the wheelchair. Later supplemented by the version that is also floor-standing, but closed at the top (photos 3 and 4). This type of sanitary ware is most commonly used by senior citizens. Lastly, the suspended version (photo 5).

All Pontegiulio toilet seat covers Older series are available in the Sintesibagno store. There are some special features of the Pontegiulio toilet seat cover for floor-standing WCs. The centre distance is non-standard, a good 21 cm. And the dimensions, even given the size of the toilet, are very large. We are talking about a toilet seat that is a good 51/52 cm long. You can find the OLDER toilet seat cover for closed floor-standing WCs (Code: B41DEC06) at the following link [ clik here ]. The floor-standing disabled Older model with font opening (Code: B41DEO06) at the following link [ clik here ] and the toilet cover version for the open wall-hung toilet (Code: B41DEO08) at the following link [ clik here ]. And finally, the toilet seat cover for the closed wall-hung toilet (Code: B41DEC08) can be found at the following LINK [ clik here ]

AUSILIA series Globo Ceramica

With this sanitary ware ceramic Globo has established itself in this sector: AUSILIA. Like Catalano, this company is an international benchmark for designer sanitary ware lines.

In this market segment, the company’s designers focused heavily on functionality and ease of use. They have thus created a sanitary ware with significant dimensions, as required by regulations: it is 75 cm long and 50 cm high. An almost unique feature of this toilet is the two sides that are parallel and not rounded like those produced by all of Globo’s competitors.

You can find the Ausilia disabled toilet seat cover (old code DS021) by Ceramica Globo in the Sintesibagno store at the following LINK (clik here)

MAIA series Ceramica Senesi and Dolomite

Serie MAIA ceramica Senesi e Dolomite

A historical company in the industry such as Dolomite could only be among the first to propose a sanitary ware suitable for disabled or elderly people. A very wide vase, at 39 cm wide it is among the widest in its category, 10 cm higher than standard WCs and its front opening make it perfectly suited to ‘comfort and convenience’ in use. The name of this sanitary ware is: MAIA

We find it very often in public facility bathrooms. We believe the form was first presented by Ceramica Senesi, which then joined the Dolomite group and took over the mould and continued production. The version with 12 cm centre distance is available and can be found in the SIntesibagno store.

Kela series Sanitosco

A sanitary ware with modern lines that moves away from the typical shapes proposed by competing ceramic manufacturers, which we can safely describe as very functionally efficient, but aesthetically poor. Clearly 50 cm high for easy use by people with mobility problems, it was offered with and without front opening.

Serie Kela Sanitosco

In the Sintesibagno store you will find the two variants of the KELA toilet seat cover. The one with a closed ring at the following LINK (clik here)

FREE series Sanitosco

Serie FREE Sanitosco

An unusual sanitary ware with a back step as we have seen in the post: “Replacement toilet seat covers for 45° raised/oblique toilets” and special processing within the catchment area that make it a very special shape.

Sanitosco’s FREE series, as it was created to facilitate the use of elderly and disabled people, was initially created with front opening and later also in the closed version you see in the picture.

Both FREE toilet seats are available in the store at the following addresses: closed version (clik here) and open version (clik here).

Evolution/Evolux series Sanitosco

This sanitary ware with its large dimensions, both in length and height, was created with the company’s intention of making it as easy as possible for people with mobility difficulties to use. Linear curves and without edges make it one of the most successful ceramic series in this market segment. Evolution was offered in a front-opening version and in a closed version with internal delivery (bidet function).

Both toilet seats are always available in the Sintesibagno store and can be found at the following link [ clik here ]

DE LUXE series Sanitosco

The UTILITY sanitary ware sector includes this WC from Sanitosco. The bidet function is integrated inside the brim, offering a practical water supply for those with mobility difficulties due to health or age. This toilet is also very popular in small bathrooms where there is no space for both sanitary ware. In these situations, the sanitary ware with combined function allows the convenience of the bidet to be maintained. Another similar example is the toilet with bidet function proposed by SIMAS in the post “Odd-shaped toilet seats with special sizes” called Synthesis / Synthesis. The innovation of the ceramists from Civita Castellana was to extend the bowl to accommodate a pull-out hand shower. De Luxe takes this a step further by integrating the water supply directly into the ceramic. The toilet seat cover for this sanitary ware is available in the Sintesibagno online catalogue at the following link [ clik here ]


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SintesiBagno.it | Progettiamo il tuo benessere | Sintesibagno è da anni leader in Italia ed Europa nella vendita online di copriwater. La nostra esperienza unica ci permette di supportare il cliente nella scelta giusta ed appropriata per il ricambio del copriwater! Affianchiamo i clienti, oltre ad offrire per i modelli di sanitari più diffusi più tipologie di scelta per lo stesso ricambio, grazie al servizio di consulenza online per il RICONOSCIMENTO del COPRIWATER.