WC seats for the same brand/model WC, but with different depth dimensions! Be careful when buying!

We have discovered in previous posts that many ceramic manufacturers have tried their hand at small sanitary ware and toilet seats. In the post: “What are the compact, mini and small WCs and bidets…. and their toilet covers” we saw the Bonsai series by Globo, the 500 series by Pozzi Ginori and the Zerolight series by Catalano. In the post: “The smallest sanitary ware and their toilet seats” we have seen You&Me by Hatria, Mini-link by Flaminia and Compact Eos. As explained, these are all sanitary wares that have been designed and produced from the outset in small dimensions.

However, the ceramic companies have also developed a new concept. In order to increase customer choice and to offer the same line for both large and smaller bathrooms, they have decided to offer different depths. Let us look at some examples.

SPACE STONE series Ceramica Globo

Serie SPACE STONE ceramica Globo

In the post entitled “The OPEN SPACE Ceramica Globo project. Modern sanitary wares and their covers” and in the post on rectangular toilet seats [ clik here ], we talk about the Globo sanitary ware series called Space Stone, which was produced both floor-standing and suspended, and in two different depths: 54.36 and 45.36. This feature has contributed to the success of the series among designers and architects, as it allows them to maintain the same style as the shape but with a reduced footprint. This is particularly useful for smaller or secondary bathrooms.

The post also provides a link [ clik here ] to the Globo section of the shop, where you can easily find spare parts for the Stone model.

M2 series Galassia

Serie M2 Galassia

The M2 series is one of the latest sanitary ware collections introduced to the bathroom market, featuring two different depths: 55 and 50. In our opinion, this series represents one of the most successful proportions. The company’s website, available at https://www.ceramicagalassia.it/catalogo/, describes it as a collection with a minimalist design, balanced shapes and a wide range of products. These characteristics make it a versatile answer to living needs, adaptable to both large and very small rooms.

In the Sintesibagno store, two separate sections have been created for models with different depths: the link for the model with depth 55 is available here [ clik here ], while the link for the model with depth 50 is as follows [ clik here ]

NUVOLA series Azzurra Ceramica

A series of Ceramica Azzurra minimal and light style: Nuvola.

The company presented the series in both floor-standing and suspended versions. The two depths are 55 cm and a very compact 46. In both sizes, the body of the sanitary ware is marked by a special sloping depth change on the side.

For the larger version we have both the toilet seat cover with standard hinges available [ clik here ] that the toilet seat cover with soft-close hinges [ clik here ]. For MINI version (size 39×35) only the version with standard hinges [ clik here ].


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SintesiBagno.it | Progettiamo il tuo benessere | Sintesibagno è da anni leader in Italia ed Europa nella vendita online di copriwater. La nostra esperienza unica ci permette di supportare il cliente nella scelta giusta ed appropriata per il ricambio del copriwater! Affianchiamo i clienti, oltre ad offrire per i modelli di sanitari più diffusi più tipologie di scelta per lo stesso ricambio, grazie al servizio di consulenza online per il RICONOSCIMENTO del COPRIWATER.