Ceramica Flaminia (http://www.ceramicaflaminia.it/it/innovation) we are now used to recognising it for the WORK IN PROGRESS design series, which we talked about in the post: ”The FLAMINIA design series. Not just WCs and bidets, but LINK, SPIN, TERRA…and their original toilet seats”. Where we saw the series: LINK, SPIN e TERRA. But Ceramica Flaminia, which we can consider a historic company in the ceramic sector, has produced many series since the 50s and 60s that we can consider successful. Some series we have already met, in the post: ”BIG sanitary ware, WCs and bidets in large sizes, modern lines and their toilet seats (part 2)” we saw FIDIA. In this post: ”Why are sloping bumpers needed on some Wc seats? (part 2)” we saw RELAX. In the post: ”Sanitary ware and toilet seats with non-standard spacing (part 2)” we saw VALENTINE. In the post: ”What is the weelbase in WC seats? (part 1)” we saw EFI. In the post: ”Old Sanitary ware, discontinued models with rectangular toilet seats. (part 2)” we saw CIOTTOLO e SPRINT. Today we will look at other series that have left an important mark on the ceramic series market.

METRO series by Flaminia
Ceramica Flaminia began producing it in the 80s and it remained in the catalogue until the 2000s. The Metro series was the classic series of sanitary ware of those glorious years for the building and real estate market. The shape and size of this sanitary ware and its toilet seat reflect the period. We have talked about its competitors in the post: ”Sanitary ware from the ‘80s and ‘90s. Find your toilet seats!” and were top sellers in the market: Tesi di Ideal Standard, Sintesi Cesame, Clodia Dolomite e Luce Catalano, a good match! All toilet seats for the Metro series are available in the store, we have recently also added a soft-close version in SLIM/PLUS thermosetting and you can find them at the following link [ clik HERE ]

WEB series by Flaminia
A classic 90s series. It’s called Web. The shapes began to soften shapes that become more and more fluid. Even the upper part, as it narrowed towards the user, almost took on a triangular shape. It was considered a large toilet, measuring almost 38 cm in width. Also of this series of sanitary ware is available in the Sintesibagno store its toilet seat, you can find it at the following link [ clik HERE ]
Valentine new type series by Flaminia

This sanitary is the new version of the one seen in the post: ”Sanitary ware and toilet seats with non-standard center distance (part 2)” named Valentine Old Type. Seen from above the line and shape are very similar, apart from the particular central rise that the old series had. The new toilet bowl and consequently the toilet seat no longer has a centre distance of 28.5/29 because the holes have been made closer together and positioned where the old model had the riser. You can find his toilet seat in the store at the following link [ clik HERE ]
In this post we have seen other sanitary ware of FLAMINIA ceramics. There may not be your toilet and then you do not know which toilet seat to choose, to avoid mistakes just send us an email to info@sintesibagno.it or a WhatsApp message to 3341288978 with two pictures of your toilet and a few measures and we will be able to help you in the choice. Here is the video on how to proceed in the search of the toilet seat…